I’m truly grateful for everything. Seriously, everything. For each day that have passed me by. For each moment that I had the chance to live. Even for all the sadness I had to face. And all the loneliness that sometimes made me company. Because I truly loved some people and I was deeply hurt sometimes, I have to be grateful, otherwise I wouldn’t know how it feels to walk on clouds and wouldn’t know how I can rise myself to them again after falling down. I'm grateful if I had to miss some weekends, because I learned that some sacrifices are necessary to get where you want. Thank you all people that doubted of me, cause I had the chance to prove that I am capable besides everyone's expectation, and most important of all, thank you people who stood by me even in troubles, even in silence, even under a sky full of stars and even under the rain. Thank you all my mistakes because they kept my feet on the ground and made me grow, thank you all my victories because they kept my dreams high enough so I could learn how to climb. Thank you all my family because they are part of me. Thank you Lord. Thank you Universe. Thank you everything. Thank you.
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